Just Do It
Nike launched the Just Do It campaign in 1988 and it still resonates with people today.
Everyone I know has some area of their life they would like to change or something they want to do and yet they don’t do it. They may talk about doing it but they don’t take any action to do it.
The “it” that people are putting off doing varies from person to person:
- Losing weight/getting healthy
- Going back to school
- Changing jobs
- Learning a new sport
- Volunteering
- Traveling
- Writing a book
- Redecorating
- Starting a business
- And the list goes on….
The top 3 reasons well-intentioned people don’t dive in and take action even when they want to do something are:
- Fear – fear of failure, fear of what others will think, even fear of success
- Lack of knowledge – they don’t know how to do whatever it is they want to do
- Too busy – they don’t think they have time to do it.
If you were going to just do it, what would your “it” be?
What would you do if you knew how to do it, had the time to do it and if fear were not an issue?
Each day consists of 1,440 minutes. Time stands still for no one. Will you take action and do the “it” you want to do or continue to settle for dreaming about it?
It’s your life so, as always, the choice is yours.
- Lisa Johnson